Robots are electro-mechanical systems, that works either by
itself with some programmed codes or electronic circuitry embedded in them or
in accordance with some external remote controllable systems. A Robot differ
from the available varieties of machines in such a way that, a robot usually
mimic some human or animal characteristics and imitates their movements with the help of its artificial intelligence and most properly having their structure in
resemblance to that of a living creature or any specific organ. It performs tasks in a similar fashion as the
actual creature do. This is the most crucial and striking feature of robots and
this makes them unique from the other artificially manufactured machines.
Robots find applications in vast varieties of fields. From the
exploration of minerals existing beneath the earth to the study of satellites
in the outer space, also from underwater research purposes to the rescue
operations at the ice-covered, isolated Polar Regions, we make use of the
Robots. They are helpful in various fields like defense, disaster management,
entertainment, medicine and health care, mining, education and so on. They are
also used in household domestic applications, performing some dull or boring
tasks, repetitive operations, research studies, bomb detecting purposes, spy
works, performing some complex tasks in factories etc... To list out all the associated
areas where Robots has their role is almost impossible in the sense that they
finds their applications in almost all phase of life in today's world.
Robots can be categorized as:
- Military Robots
- Industrial Robots
- Household domestic Robots
- Entertainment Robots
- Swarm Robots
- Nano Robots
- Mobile Robots
- Re-configurable Robots
- Research Robots
- Modular Robots
- Service Robots
- Mining Robots etc..
They can be used in all walks of life, and they helps in
making the complex tasks to be performed under dangerous or hazardous
environments much simpler. With the help of Robots, we were able to transform
our life into a more convenient one.
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