Saturday 10 August 2013


                                 Network Simulation is typically a software program that can completely represent the behavior of an entire computer network virtually. In this, each component is represented as nodes. These nodes can be used for representing any element like computers, routers, hubs, links, etc… Then, if we need to test a new protocol in a computer network or need to modify the existing ones, we only need to implement the same in this virtual environment and watch out the results. Here, we can make modifications instantly in a controlled manner and can make any varieties of changes we need to implement and observations can be made upon the behavior of each individual node.
                                    Any type of networks ranging from simple to complex can be represented in this way with the help of small network components denoted as individual nodes. This makes the analysis simpler and the network can be treated as individual segments. In a simulator representation, we need to include network topology type, each individual node, its position, the links between them and we also need to illustrate how the traffic takes place between the nodes.
                                       The results of network simulation are often called as trace files. This can be better used for analysis and helps in arriving at conclusions by the close examination of this output files. Trace files can also be saved for future purposes.
                                       One of the advantages of using network simulators is that, manual labor can be reduced much since the practical implementation of the real time computer network for the purpose of testing is eliminated. We can perform the simulation with the help of a technician/programmer or with the help of a small group of experts, in a single system itself!!


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